
Our Michigan dog bite attorneys represent victims of dog bites. Many times, these bites occur to the face of an adult or child that result in a facial scar.

The results can be devastating and often cause permanent disfiguring scars. Victims are entitled under Michigan law to pursue a claim for damages against the dog owner.

What is the Law in Michigan for Dog Attacks?

Under Michigan law, any individual who owns, keeps, or harbors a dog is responsible for their actions. This is true regardless of any prior knowledge the individual has of a dog’s violent history, according to the state’s strict liability laws.

This means that a pet owner could be pursued as the responsible party for any attack made by their dog on another person. Essentially, if a pet owner was unreasonable in the care and control of a dog, they can be deemed negligent.

Michigan also has a leash law which requires dog owners to keep their dog on a leash and under control when in public areas. A person attacked due to an unrestrained dog can sue for compensation.

Serious Dog Bite Scars on the Face

Dog bites to the face not only cause significant and often permanent scars, but can also cause injuries to the nerves of the face. Depending on the severity of the scar, a victim may require plastic surgery or some other procedure, like dermabrasion, to minimize the appearance of the scar.

These procedures can often reduce the size or shape of the scar but rarely ever totally eliminate the scar. A noticeable scar to the face can cause psychological injuries to the victim as well, including low self-esteem and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Additionally, all medical procedures and surgeries carry their own risks. These include infections, anesthesia risks, and other complications. These procedures are very expensive and many times either the victim will not have medical insurance or the insurance policy will not fully cover the procedure.

Settlements for Facial Scars and Disfigurements

A dog bite lawsuit will seek money compensation for your pain and suffering, disfigurement, scars, and emotional trauma caused by the attack. Settlements also demand payouts for past medical expenses and the future costs of plastic surgery or other treatment. Many children must wait several years before undergoing surgery to repair a scar and money is set aside to cover the costs of the procedure.

Our dog bite attorneys have won substantial settlements for clients who suffered scars to the face from a dog attack. Many cases have resulted in settlements of more than $250,000 and several have exceeded $350,000. Cases involving children and women generally result in higher settlements, but we have won large compensation payouts for adult men as well.

Dog Bite Facial Scar Lawsuit Case Study

An 18-month-old girl was at her babysitter’s home. The babysitter was about to feed dog, when the dog raced past her. The dog then bit the girl on the face.

The facial bite required emergency medical treatment. Her wounds were stitched by plastic surgeon, but resulted in permanent scars to her face.

A lawsuit was filed against the babysitter. Her homeowners insurance paid a $250,000 settlement.

Find Out the Value of Your Facial Scar Injury Case

If you or someone you know was bitten in the face by a dog, you should contact our Michigan dog bite attorneys as soon as possible after the attack so that we can explain your legal rights to you and begin our investigation of the claim.

We will get your medical records and have photographs taken by a professional photographer to show the extent of your scars. We may also have you evaluated by a plastic surgeon who will determine the type of treatment needed and its cost to correct the scar.

We will represent you under our No Fee Promise, which means we do not charge any legal fees or costs until we win your settlement.

Call us now to get started immediately.

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