
If someone is injured in a car wreck but does not have their own insurance policy, they might still be able to recover compensation through a no-fault insurance claim. The Michigan Assigned Claims Plan accepts applications for personal injury protection benefits (PIP) made by a person who suffered accidental bodily injury arising out of the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle.

Claims under this plan can be made by vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Furthermore, the driver or passenger of a motorcycle can also file a claim for benefits if the accident involved an uninsured motor vehicle—that was not another motorcycle. These claims are often made in cases involving incidents where an at-fault driver flees the scene.

No matter the circumstances, consider reaching out to a knowledgeable lawyer to discuss assigned claims in Michigan and how you may be able to seek benefits. A well-versed attorney could help to gather evidence and provide counsel on how to proceed.

Which Insurance Company is Responsible to Provide Benefits?

Often, it is difficult for an injured person to determine which insurance company must pay for a no-fault insurance claim after a car accident. Factors that determine which insurance company is responsible for paying these benefits include whether the injured applicant was:

Determining who to pursue when filing a claim can be difficult. Because of this, working with an experienced lawyer in Michigan may prove helpful.

Determining Eligibility for an Assigned Claim

Any person—whether a Michigan resident or not—who is injured in a crash within Michigan, either while riding in or being struck by an uninsured state-registered vehicle, will be covered by no-fault benefits through the Assigned Claims Plan. This is true whether or not there another policy of available to the injured person, except in specific circumstances.

For example, benefits are not available from assigned claims to the owner—registrant—of an uninsured car or motorcycle who was injured in a crash while driving or occupying his or her own vehicle. Furthermore, drivers of stolen cars or motorcycles are not eligible for benefits.

A claim submitted to the Assigned Claims Plan is screened by staff to make sure it meets the eligibility requirements. If so, it is assigned to one of nine Michigan insurance companies for a complete investigation. If the injured person is eligible for benefits, the assigned insurance company will then pay the claim.

Assigned Claims Michigan

Call an Attorney to Discuss Michigan Assigned Claims

After an auto accident, you may feel as though you have limited options for recovery. However, by working with a well-practiced lawyer, you could asses your eligibility for a Michigan assigned claim.

Instead of trying to seek compensation alone, consider working with an attorney at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. To discuss your legal options, call today.

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