
The Buckfire Law Scholarship Committee is currently accepting applications for the 2024 Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. Law School Diversity Scholarship.

The scholarship was created in 2013 as part of the law firm’s commitment to helping law students who are in need of financial assistance achieve their academic and professional dreams.

In order to be considered for the scholarship, the student must be a member of an ethnic, racial, or other minority, or demonstrate a commitment to issues of diversity within their community.

The scholarship will award $2,000 to one student selected by our scholarship selection committee.

Law School Diversity Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Recipient is a member of an ethnic or racial minority or any individual who demonstrates a defined commitment to issues of diversity within their academic career.
  • Recipient is a U.S. citizen currently attending an accredited law school within the United States.
  • Academic achievement as reflected by a minimum 3.0 GPA and have completed at least one semester of classes at an accredited law school.

Law School Diversity Scholarship Application Requirements

In order to apply for the Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. 2024 Law School Diversity Scholarship Program an applicant must submit the following items on or before Oct. 1, 2024:

  • A completed scholarship application form. (Located at the bottom of page)
  • A one-page typed essay describing how you have utilized your time promoting ethnic diversity within your community. Alternatively, you may write about how you will use your law degree to promote ethnic diversity in the future.
  • A certified, official copy of law school transcript.

2023 Law School Diversity Scholarship Winner: Eva Romero-Sutherland, UCLA School of Law

Romero-Sutherland is currently enrolled at UCLA School of Law. She received her undergraduate degree in journalism and government from The University of Texas at Austin, and her Master of Education from the University of Houston.

Romero-Sutherland is a first-generation Mexican-American law student and former public school educator. “I have experienced firsthand the need for increased ethnic diversity in the legal profession,” she said.  “While I was a teacher, I worked in primarily low-income communities with predominantly Latinx and Black students. I saw the inequities my students faced, and it was all too familiar with the obstacles they could have to overcome to pursue higher education.”

Past Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. Law School Diversity Scholarship Winners

    Please Fill The Form Below
    Present Mailing Address
    Asian or Pacific IslanderNative American or Alaskan NativeHispanic or LatinoBlack or African AmericanMultiracial or BiracialWhite or CaucasianOther race/ethnicity not listed here


    Please submit a one-page typed essay describing how you have utilized your time promoting ethnic diversity within your community. Alternatively, you may write about how you will use your law degree to promote ethnic diversity.


    Please submit an official transcript, including your most recent semester at an accredited law school within the United States


    I hereby certify that the information I have provided on this application form and in any attached materials is true and complete.

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