As Michigan wrongful death lawyers, we recognize that losing a loved one is always a difficult and tragic experience, and may oftentimes result in unanswered questions about your family’s legal rights. We try to answer many of your questions below.
If you believe your loved one’s passing was due to another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit to receive the closure and financial compensation that you deserve. Of course, you probably have additional questions about your own case that needs answers from an experienced attorney.
Some of the questions people frequently ask our lawyers regarding a wrongful death case include:
- What is a wrongful death lawsuit?
- Who can file a claim?
- How much can a family member receive in a wrongful death claim?
- How long do these cases take?
Wrongful death cases are unfortunately frequent throughout Michigan. Common reasons for these tragic accidents include motor vehicle crashes, medical negligence, pedestrian injuries, hazardous property conditions, and construction accidents.
Below, we try to answer many of these frequently asked questions regarding wrongful death in Michigan to help assist you with the initial steps of the process.
However, every case is unique and it can be critical to contact an attorney about your case. If you have any further questions, the experienced lawyers at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. can help to guide you through the legal process and help you achieve the best outcome.
Our attorneys can go over the facts of your case and help to determine what your next steps may be. Do not hesitate to reach out to us today to discuss your options and schedule a free consultation.