
Signs of Michigan Nursing Home Abuse

Our nursing home abuse attorneys in Michigan at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. realize how hard it can be to find the right nursing home for your loved one. When finding a nursing home for your loved one, safety is always a main concern. In this video, our nursing home abuse attorney discusses signs of nursing home abuse.

Many injuries of residents in nursing homes and residential care facilities are never reported. There are multiple reasons why this happens but being aware of the warning signs is one way to prevent this. Some of these signs include pressure sores and bed sores, infections (including gangrene), unexplained falls resulting in broken bones, medication errors, fractures (frequently hips), decubitus ulcers, and sepsis.

You should contact the Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C.  Michigan nursing home lawyers immediately if you or a family member suffer from nursing home abuse in Michigan. When you contact our office to investigate a case involving nursing home abuse in Michigan , we thoroughly investigate the case and advise you of the best possible legal recourse to take on behalf of the resident. Call us now at (800) 606-1717 to discuss your case and for a free consultation.