
What Are Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy Service Providers?

The Michigan no-fault insurance company must pay for therapy services for accident victims who require cognitive rehabilitation after a serious auto accident.

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy is the process of relearning cognitive skills that have been lost or altered as a result of damage to the brain. If the skills are unable to be relearned, then new ones have to be taught to enable the person to make up for their lost cognitive functions.

Cognitive rehabilitation service providers have four main goals:

  1. Educate the patient about cognatibe weakness and strengths. The focus is to try and help them develop awareness of the problem.
  2. Process training, which involves developing skills through direct retraining or practicing the cognative skills. Focus is trying to resolve the problem.
  3. Strategy training, uses environmental, internal and external stratagies to help with regaining cognative skills. The focus of this step is to help compensate rather than resolving a problem.
  4. Functional activities training, brings together all three of the previous components to be used in everyday life. The main focus of this training is to help with real life improvments. does not endorse any specific cognitive rehabilitation therapy service providers and these companies are listed on our website at their own request.

The order of the cognitive rehabilitation therapy service provider listings below has no significance and demonstrates no preference:

Name of Business Website City State Phone
Communicare Michigan, LLC Bloomfield Hills MI 248-291-8380
Community Connections for Independent Living, LLC Sterling Heights MI 586-899-2729
Deer Run Rehabilitation Midland MI 989-832-9026
Eisenhower Center Ann Arbor MI 734-677-0070
Harbor Rehabilitation, LLC Grand Rapids MI 616-643-0833
Irvine Head Injury Home, Inc. Southfield MI 248-415-2500
Life Beyond Barriers Traverse City MI 616-866-6859
Lighthouse Neurological Rehabilitation Center Caro MI 231-263-1350
NeuroCare Home Health Essexville MI 888-843-1118
Practical Rehabilitation Services, LLC Okemos MI 855-777-9297
Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers Ypsilanti MI 734-482-1200
Rehab without Walls Detroit MI 888-619-9735
Strive Recreational Therapy Clarkston MI 248-922-1236
Turning Leaf Residential Rehabilitation Services Lansing MI 800-777-2918
Willowbrook Rehabilitation Services Brighton MI 810-227-0119
BrainTrainers Ann Arbor MI 734-665-1922


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